Monday, November 27, 2006

TUJPOD Fall Festival 2006

Yasuka, Johan and myself filmed TUJ's Fall Festival. It was full of entertaining performances, delicious foods, and most importantly: Prizes!! (Including Disneyland, iPods, Nitendo DS and much more!)

Check out our little movie for TUJPOD!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yamanote Halloween Party Interview

Here it is! My 2nd full length assignment. With this piece I choose to emulate "The Rick and Josh Show" style of podcast, with having two show hosts and creating a round table discussion letting the host talk about past events in a witty, sarcastic and entertaining way. In this particular enstallment. Jason is interviewing Pasha about his experience on the infamous Yamanote Line Halloween party. Listen, enjoy and comment!

Jason and Pasha: The Yamanote Line Interviews

Friday, November 10, 2006

Tokyo Theater!

Come check out a TUJ Production!

Scenes from "Roundabout" by Arthur Schnitzler

Wednesday November 22nd at 7:30pm

Mita Hall Room #503

Directed by: Robert Tsonos

Starring; Sara Van Buren, Mario Acito, Bryan Mathews,
Stephanie Flanagan, Tina Brunner

Join us for a selection of scenes from "Roundabout".
A tale of love, obsession, and pleasure staged in turn-of-the-century Vienna.
At times droll, romantic, or bittersweet, "Roundabout" is as charming and as fluffy
as fresh whipped cream on a Viennese pastry!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

HBO Specials

HBO recently had a mini series that followed Dane Cook and friends around on their comedy tour called "TOUR-gasm."
It was a tour, a cd, and a televsision series, and now a Podcast! You can check out a lot of skits from the 4 comdiens at their finale sold out show at Penn State University. Also you can access interviews and behind the scenes fun. each of the podcast, for the most part are between 1 and 4 mintues long. Each one is from one specific comedian that was on the tour and one of their jokes. On iTunes you can see the comedian's name and the name of their skit, which is great if you want to look them up on your own. There are a total of 13 episodes of interviews profiles, skits, and about segments.
The cool thing that I never mentioned in my other podcast reviews is the iTunes music store podcast page, in which they suggest other podcast and "other people that listen to this podcast also listened to....." Through this I found out that Dane Cook has his private podcast, as well as other comedians that i love.
Check out TOUR-gasm


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sakura House Interviews

I recently completed a project for the TUJ Podcast. It consists of student interviews that I conducted around the new Temple University Japan dorm that is located nearby the Ikigami line station called Ontakesan, in the town of Ootaku in the city of Tokyo in the country of Japan.

Students talk about common living space, the school commute, and what there is to do in this small town. Check it out at:

Sakura House Interviews

Monday, October 02, 2006

Gossiping with Podcasts

Star drama and hollywood gossip is now possible to reach more ears thanks to podcasting. yes, it is true now anyone can have their own celebrity gossip show thanks to the wonders of podcast.
This podcast, entitled "WireImage", is completed with the corny mega music intro music. The reporter is completly serious with the drama of the Hilton sisters as well as screenings and P. Diddy's celebrity parties. It does sound like a one woman show, however they do have sound clips from interiews of starts and agents. It is a 3 minute and some show with one reporter covering the story and then maybe, but not always, jumping to those audio clips. There is dramatic music playing through out the entire show, as well as the begining and end. Their website ( is also a blog which serves as an archive of short blurbs of information for each episode. WireImage provides an external link to hear these mp4's of gossip. With the external link, you have the possibility to view the show as a video podcast which mostly consist of still photos and transitions. However, the the news reporter is a real moving image and there is also some found footage. Besides the website, this production team also has a home page for more gossip.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Podcasting is Taking Over the World of Entertainment

So for the past few weeks, I have surrounded my world of enterainment with podcast (almost indirectly and unaware). I have been hanging out with a friend that lives in Sakura House. Everynight I head down to his room to listen to music, watch the news, and watch an episode of on of our favorite sitcoms, as well as short entertainment bits created by our favorite television channels from home! All trhough iPodcast! Crazy! I will update more later.